The primary wing was indeed a riot of colours with the entire Grade II, turned out in their brilliantly coloured tracksuits. The annual day was a combination of an aerobic drill followed by the Math Cafe, which has been a regular feature of Grade II.


The children enthusiastically sang songs which were greatly appreciated by the parents especially the dads - to whom one of the songs was dedicated.


Principal Mrs. Abha Sahgal and Headmistress Ms. Mousumi gave inspiring and encouraging speeches. The aerobic drill was performed to a real peppy song called  -The Crazy Frog. The children had a fun time practicing to this number under the able guidance of their dance teacher Mrs. Veena.


 The children enthusiastically sang songs which were greatly appreciated by the parents especially the dads - to whom one of the songs was dedicated.


Principal Mrs. Abha Sahgal and Headmistress Ms. Mousumi gave inspiring and encouraging speeches. The aerobic drill was performed to a real peppy song called  -The Crazy Frog. The children had a fun time practicing to this number under the able guidance of their dance teacher Mrs. Veena.


After the drill the parents were kept engaged with some games while the children donned their aprons and got ready to take over the Cafe. The children had a fantastic time pretending to be waiters, cashiers, managers and other things, as in a restaurant.


After an initial chaos at the food counter the children soon learnt the art of juggling trays and change. Even though they were handling small change it was a challenge for the children to take orders of more than two items and then add up the total amount.


The parents too outdid themselves by being patient and of course ordering away Yummy Burgers, Idli Chutney and other mouth-watering delicacies. The teachers too had donned aprons and did not have to do much as the children handled themselves beautifully.


Overall, it was a brilliant morning at DPS Math Cafe where the children, parents and teachers had a wonderful time together....

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