A colorful presentation of emotions through dance, drama and song marked the celebration of the Annual Day at DPS Sharjah. The annual day was celebrated amidst much fanfare on November 23, 2005 on the school premises. The Chief Guest of the day was former Indian Cricket Captain Nawab Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi.

The chief Guest, Mr. Pataudi in his speech inspired students to believe in themselves and their capabilities by citing real life examples of the contemporary cricketers and teams like South Africa and India. Mr. Dinesh Kothari the director of the school thanked the Chief Guest for accepting the invitation to attend the school function despite his busy schedule. He also congratulated the staff and students for an all round performance and high participation level.

The Principal Mrs. Abha Sahgal welcomed everyone and presented a synopsis of the school’s achievement in the field of academics, extra curricular activities and sports. All the high achievers were called on the stage accompanied by their teachers for a group photograph with the Chief Guest Mr. Pataudi. He autographed a miniature bat and presented it to the school directors Mr. Dinesh Kothari & Mr. Batavia. Pranav Rai who captained the UAE team received an autographed T-shirt from the chief guest for the exceptional performance in the field of sports.

The Head boy and the Head girl of the school gave a beautiful pictorial description of their school, teachers and students.

The students then presented the attraction of the day, Navras – A Harmony of Emotions. It was a fun filled musical depiction of nine human emotions ‘Navras’ comprising Shringaar, Hasya, Bhaya, Adbhyut, Karuna, Vibhatsa, Raudra, Shaant and Veer ras. The items were very well presented and were knit around a group of children who were being narrated stories based on these emotions by their mother and grand mother. Each emotion was depicted by a musical number which was choreographed elegantly. The sets, lighting arrangement and beautiful dresses added charm to the entire programme and left the audience mesmerized.

The annual day celebration came to an end with a grand finale. All the participants and the teachers involved came on the stage and the audience appreciated them with a loud round of applause.
                      Navras-2005 Photos