DPS MUN -2006


In a solemn ambience the distinguished guests addressed to the young, vibrant student diplomats whose attire, look and walk resembled that of the world body. When they spoke - His Excellencies Mr. Yash' Sinha, Consul general of India, P.D.  Fernando, Consul general Sri Lanka and Dr. Andul Monim Bellah, speaker, author and Urogenital Surgeon, and Mrs.Abha Sahgal, Principal, DPS Sharjah - they did it in a language of love and intensity, inspiration and hope for a secure and peaceful future for the generation next.


The occasion was the inauguration of the Third MODEL UN 2006 on 25 May 25, 2006 at the new auditorium, DPS Sharjah. The Model UN Secretary General Abishek Garg declared the Model UN open. Soon after the public function, there was a short of informal interaction of the delegates with the distinguished guests who included Ms. Samia Subeihi, Head of Private schools, Sharjah, Ms. Miraj Senior reporter Khaleej Times, Mr. Vivek Anand, Senior Editor, Gulf Today, Ms. Saira Menezes of Emirates Today, Mr. Ajay Shetty, Director, Ajman TV, Mr. Ali Khayyal, local owner of DPS Sharjah, Ms. Rashmi Nandkeolyar principal DPS Dubai and Mr. Mukul Sahgal author and educationalist.


His Excellency Mr. Yash Sinha who played an active role in the deliberations of the OEWG on the UN Security Council Reforms in his address affirmed the role of the UN as the last best hope of humanity. He said that UN was the only world body that not only preserves the global peace but also reflects the aspiration and dreams of the entire humanity. To those who criticize the UN as just a ‘talking shop’ he said that the UN is as good as all of us and the world organization always succeeds by deep deliberations and negotiations among warring countries.


“The UN has to be strengthened. It is a collective goal and a task of the young generation to achieve it,” said Mr. Sinha who also served the UN for four years.

He thanked the organizers of DPSMUN as it would help the young delegates understand the inside workings of the UN. It is important that the students should know what the UN is doing. “ Whether you work there or not, it is essential that you should get an idea of what the UN stands for”

 P.D.  Fernando, Consul General Sri Lanka who spoke on the occasion said that in today’s complicated world, the young generation has to shoulder greater responsibility. We have to live by an international system of rules as the world has shrunk into a village. He said that the delegates are extremely fortunate to be part of the MODEL UN as it was one of the best ways to ensure their participation in to the world forum.



Dr. Andul Monim Bellah, speaker, author and Urogenital Surgeon who delivered the Keynote address spiced with his wit, humour and pun said that as he could not speak to the past, he wanted to speak to the present – the students – who shape the future. He said that we did not want a system of diplomats, ambassadors and prime ministers who are like dinosaurs who lived in the past and now extinct.  We want a generation who would take us into the future equipped with the right values.

 A generation who are able to love, to forget and forgive. These values should be taught when they are young not when they are 60 years of old. Values like love, tolerance, friendship, punctuality and honesty go beyond religion, cast and race.  This is the only way one could create United Nations truly united and not united against one another. He said one should not wait any longer but learn right now. “ Be a giver and don’t be a taker” Remember the great minds of the world who gave their lives. Remember leaders like Nelson Mandela who could lead their lives without bitterness.


He said that people who don’t love cause a lot of harm to our society. The ability to smile is not a physical state but a psychological one. If you don’t smile from your heart, people would see it as a ‘yellow smile’

He reminded the audience that forgetting and forgiving was an active process of the brain. “If you don’t forget the wrongs, it becomes a grudge and it takes away your ability to forgive others” concluded Dr. Andul Monim Bellah.

Ms. Abha Sahgal, Principal DPS Sharjah in her welcome address said that DPS MUN acted not only as a powerful platform for the young generation to air their views and draw the attention of the adult world to listen to them but it has provided tremendous learning experience for all who were part of this event either as conference staff or as student delegates.


She added that the young delegates have been exposed to, lobbying, debating and drafting resolutions … their preparation on country profile took them to researching, fact-finding, analyses and review of data. “I am also proud to state that the entire responsibility for organizing and conducting this event has been given to the student body acting as conference staff of DPSMUN who have been taking care of every wing of activity right from hospitality to internal and external affairs to chairing and other proceeding of the five committees of the UN” said Mrs. Sahgal




The results of the two-day DPS Model UN conference 2006 have been declared. Student delegates from 11 top schools in the UAE representing 25 countries took part in the UN simulation. Student Delegates like seasoned diplomats debated various issues, drafted resolutions and reached consensus representing the five committees of the UN – General Assembly 1, General Assembly III, WHO, ECOSOC, & Security Council.

The closing ceremony resembled yet another General Assembly where the students delegates were engrossed in a heated interactive session with Ms. Ruba Youssef Al Hassan, Human Development Program Manager, UN Development Program in the UAE. She announced that her team was closely working for the implementation of democratic process in the UAE. “ A general election is soon going to be a reality in the UAE”


Talking about the immense career opportunity available for students in the World Organization Ms. Ruba said that they could begin as volunteers for the various UN programs in different parts of world. “Visit the UN websites for career updates. Spend this summer doing volunteering work for the UN. It is really challenging and rewarding. Find your interest and choose what you would like to do. The UN is involved in a variety of missions across the world”, said Ms. Ruba.

Students brought in a variety of sensitive issues and sought her opinion on women empowerment in the UAE, the plight of the expatriate work force in labour camps, gender disparity, the effectiveness of the UN in a world where the nations go to war in defiance to the UN charter and so on. For every question, she articulated finely worded diplomatic answers.

  1. DPS MUN 2006 Rolling Trophy for the Best Delegation:
Delhi Private School, Sharjah.

Runners up –Our Own English High School Sharjah Country

2. Best Delegates Award for the various committees:
GA - I: Our Own English High School, Fujarah & Our Own English High School, Sharjah
GA - III: Our Own English High School, Dubai & DPS Sharjah
WHO - Our Own English High School, Sharjah & Indian High School, Dubai
ECOSOC - Our Own English High School, Sharjah
Security Council – DPS Sharjah & Our Own English High School, Sharjah

  3. Best Draft Resolution

GA III - Our Own English High School, Sharjah
ECOSOC - Delhi Private School, Sharjah
WHO - Delhi Private School, Sharjah

4. Best Country Profile
Delhi Private School, Dubai

5. Runners Up
Delhi Private School, Sharjah & Our Own English High School, Sharjah

DPS MUN -2006 Photos