It was a moment of great pride for the achievers of Grade IV & V, as they were honoured for excelling in various capacities in the academic year 2006-07.

This year’s function was dedicated to the memory of Vishwanath B. Nair who left us for his heavenly abode. It was a touching moment when Mr. & Mrs. Nair handed over “THE VISHWANATH NAIR TROPHY” bearing their child’s name to Chetan Naik, who reflects Vishwanath’s qualities of compassion, dedication and dependability.

Ms. Mousumi Garg, Headmistress Primary said, "His spirit will linger on in all the beautiful children of our school and he’ll remain with us forever."

The Chief Guest, Mr. Kothari, Pro - Vice Chairman, DPS Sharjah and other guests were welcomed with a song and a dance performed by the students of Grade IV before the children lined up smartly to receive their awards.

A whopping number of 410 students were called on to the stage by Mrs.Usha Achar, Supervisor Primary and Mrs. Kashmira Kalyaniwalah, Academic Coordinator. They were  awarded for pursuing excellence not only in academics but also in various other categories like, sports, leadership and public speaking skills, avid reading and quizzing, organized and regular working, responsible and dependable personality and the humane quality of compassion and spirit of service.

Arushee Wahi & Devesh Sahai of Grade IV and Emee Joe Mathew & Samarth Saran of Grade V were recognised for setting high standards in academics, co curricular and extra curricular activities and were awarded the All Rounder trophies.

Mr. Kothari aptly encouraged the students by saying that each one of them was an achiever, whether they got an award or not and laid added responsibility on the shoulders of the achievers saying it was their duty to guide and help their friends who were lagging behind. It was a beautiful message indeed in this age of cut-throat competition.

Mrs. Sahgal, Principal, DPS Sharjah expressed her gratitude to Mr. Kothari by saying that DPS Sharjah was fortunate to have an educator like him as our mentor. She was proud of her young achievers as she rightly pointed out that the seeds of excellence sown in their young age make our future Dipsites successful citizens of the world.

Ms.Mousumi congratulated the students and recognised the contribution of both the parents and teachers in providing life skills to the children.

It was an inspiring morning wherein by celebrating achievers we encourage our students to work hard and aim for brilliance.