Investiture ceremony 2007 – 2008

Confident faces brimming with a sense of privilege and honour as ‘first among equals’, the 82 member student Prefectorial body 2007 – 2008 received their title badges from Mr. Ashok Kumar, Principal Indian High School, Dubai in the presence of their proud parents who were diligently catching the moments in to their cameras on Sunday April 22 2007 during the investiture ceremony held at the DPS new auditorium.


Welcoming the gathering, Principal Mrs. Abha Sahgal said it was significant that the young leaders were initiated into their office on Earth day - a strong reminder to each one of them to execute their duties with commitment to the cause of Mother Nature.


"As parents and teachers we have reasons to be proud of these wonderful children chosen to lead their school as they possess a great sense of conviction and a vision to impart a positive influence among their peer group".


“As adults we were not half as smart as you are or had half your calibre. We have great hope in you and are certain that you would remain steadfast, honest displaying courage of conviction and an uncanny power to stand for what is right.”


Speaking to the students after administering the oath, Mr. Ashok Kumar recalling  his first visit to school six years ago said there was a definite intention and a value system that the founders of DPS had in mind and he was glad that by leaps and bounds the school had been living up to those values over the years.



Speaking to the young leaders he said that they should act as an antidote against the poison of wrong and negative values  administered by the society and media and must remain steadfast in their commitment to propagate the right belief systems.


“The flag you hold in your hands is not a piece of colored cloth. It stands for certain values. Strive hard so that those values may fly high as you boldly voice your rights and execute your duties”, said Mr. Ashok Kumar.


Head boy AKSHAYA WAHI and head girl AISHWARYA BHARATH KUMAR gave their maiden speech reaffirming their commitment to the post bestowed on them.


Vice head boy TARUN GOPALAKRISHNAN and Vice head girl SUCHITA BHADKAMKAR jointly rendered the vote of thanks pledging that they would take their school to greater glories.




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