Students who are interested to participate in Decryptonite(An online event for IT@CuttingEdge, an Inter-DPS Festival conducted by Exun Clan, the computer club of DPS R.K. Puram) are requested to send the following details(firstname,last name and email id) to the following email id : dalu26@yahoo.com General Rules: · Each participating school can be represented by any number of individual participants from classes 6 to 12. A teacher coordinator authorised by the respective school's Principal will do the registration of each participant individually. When the registration is complete the newly added participants will be sent an email containing a unique link to complete their registration by providing a password and personal details. After this, the participants can use their Email ID and newly created password to login at the DeCryptonite Login Page and begin their hunt. · The hunt will run from July 5, 2011 to August 1, 2011. · The event entails a Cryptic Treasure Hunt in which students make their way through a series of online levels of increasing difficulty. · The participants' aim is to crack the levels as quickly as they can so as to place themselves on the top of the leaderboard. · At each level, the participants will encounter a number of clues which shall all, together, point to one answer. Each level has one and only one correct answer, which must be entered into the textbox at the level in order to move to the next level. · Clues may be presented in a number of forms, including, but not limited to the: Level Title, Page Source, Anything that's on the screen. · Additional clues will be released 72 hours after the leader(s) has/have been stuck on a level in order to allow those who are lagging behind to catch up. · The participants may look for answers anywhere on the internet. Recommended sites: Google, Wikipedia, TinEye. · Answers will always be lower-case, alphanumeric and will contain no spaces, unless stated otherwise. E.g. if the answer to Level 0 is "Hello World", input "helloworld". · Don't ignore any of the clues. If they weren't important, they wouldn't be there. · Beware of the spelling you enter, we cannot auto correct your spellings. · Participants are advised not to provide answers to other participants by any means of communication. Remember that there are individual prizes and you are in competition with the students from your own school as well. · Students of DPS R.K. Puram will be allowed to participate but shall remain non-competitive at all times. · Individual prizes will be given to the top 3 placeholders on the leader board at the end of the hunt (Midnight, July 31, 2011 IST). · Prizes will also be given to schools for Best Overall Performance (Weighted average of scores) and Highest Participation. |