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2nd U-12

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The Environment Week - "A Week for Mother Earth"    

D.P.S Sharjah, celebrated the Environment Week from 19th to 21st of April, with much fanfare & enthusiasm. Various activities held during this week aimed at enhancing the awareness in the young minds of our students, about the environment and its preservation.


It was amazing to see to see the response of the students, their creativity and their perception of global issues, concerning the environment, at such a tender age. It is heartening to see that the future is indeed in safe hands.

“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” and “the Earth is ours to enjoy” were the buzz phrases of the week. Various competitions pertaining to environment were conducted in the school premises. The students of the primary wing made a mega collage on the environment with waste materials such as sawdust, sand, toffee wrappers, cardboard boxes etc. The teachers of K.G.1 put a puppet show “Save Trees” for the toddlers.


On April 21st, Earth Day badges were coloured and worn throughout the day to remind us of our pledge to save and protect our environment. A special assembly followed this. The students of grade IIIA performed a skit imparting the messages of reducing the use of plastic bag and recycling the waste as far as possible. Grade 1A students recited a poem on mother Earth. An enthralling dance performance by grade III and IV entitled “The creation of Earth marked the end of the environment week.


The highlight of the week was a trip by the students of grades III and IV to the Oasis Paper Industry, in Al Qous. Here the students saw the entire process of recycling cotton rags to produce handmade eco-friendly paper.




Workshop on Frustration, Anxiety, Tension        

A workshop was held for the teachers of the primary section on Learning Disabilities and the challenges faced by students with learning disabilities. It was an interactive session with twelve teachers who volunteered to carry out activities as instructed. The activities were centered around the various academic areas of reading, reading comprehension, visual and auditory perceptual difficulties and the effect of these difficulties on behavior. The purpose of the workshop was for the teachers to experience first hand, the frustrations, anxiety, and tensions experienced by the students with learning problems. The special educator Ms. Asha Nambiar conducted this workshop.

College Preparation Workshop for Students of the 12th grade        

A workshop was held on separate days for the girls and boys of 12th grade on the subject of college preparation. The focus was on the importance of thinking, planning and acting ahead of the deadlines for college admissions. Light was also thrown on the issues to be given consideration while choosing a university and while gearing up for college life. Our counselor Ms. Rachna Buxani and Assistant Counselor Ms. Richa Puri conducted the workshop.

Workshop on Etiquette        

The girls of grade 12 attended a workshop on etiquette conducted by Ms. Patricia O'Sullivan. Ms. O'Sullivan is an expert on etiquette training for the corporate world as well as for teens and pre-teens. The one and a half hour workshop dealt with creating first impressions, etiquettes of greetings, dining etiquettes, and general behavior in social situations.

CRASH REVISION PROGRAMME FOR X AND XII - Subject experts from Delhi conducted classes

They were giving the finishing touches, last minute adjustments, thorough system check-up, backing up rescue files before the final countdown.

It was a crash revision programme aimed to equip the class X and XII students with practical ideas on the best approach to their board exams, presentation of answers, managing the time and other areas of importance to score better marks.

Subject experts from different schools of DPS society in India conducted classes from 27th Dec. 2003 to 5th Jan, 2004 for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Computer science, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics and French.

One of the main features of the classes was the detailed discussion of Board Question papers with special emphasis on difficult areas. Different types of questions were solved with the help of specially prepared worksheet.

"They also stressed the importance of neatness, good presentation and layout of the answer-sheets to ensure better marks", Rahul Pabreja, XII C responded on the reinforcement programme.

"It was a great moral boosting for me. A number of sample papers were discussed and difficult topics were made simple", said Anish Kumar of Class XII A.

Principal Mrs. Abha Saghal thanked the teachers from Delhi for their dedicated effort and hoped that they were also enriched by their experience at DPS, Sharjah. "As members of the DPS family, we do not look upon students with any prejudice or discrimination no matter which part of the world we are teaching. We are part of a bigger fraternity. Our teaching also reflects the same attitude." The teachers were honored at a special assembly on 6th Jan, 2004 with token of appreciation by the Principal Mrs. Abha Saghal.


'FOREVER OURS - CELEBRATING SCIENCE' as the main theme, DPS Sharjah, celebrated its 3rd Annual Day on Dec. 17th 2003 from 6:30 am to 10:30 at the school courtyard. DPS prodigies presented a virtuoso performance of the various inventions of science right from Morse code to steam engine to the satellite communication systems. They also explored the growth of medical science from the days of Charaka, the first ancient Ayruvedic physician to practice surgery, to Louis Pasteur who developed vaccines for several diseases, including rabies.

Each dramatization was interspersed with mind-boggling music and dance, which combined to give a cultural extravaganza for the thrill-packed audience.

The chief guest of the evening, H. E. Y. K. Sinha, Counsel General, Indian Consulate, Dubai, in his inaugural address hailed DPS, Sharjah as a symbol of excellence providing quality education to the Indian students in the UAE. He also applauded the DPS Society's ongoing educational expansion programmes across the globe.

Mr. Narendra Kumar, Chairman DPS society, observed that education at DPS, Sharjah, one of the 120 schools run by the society, reflects the rich experience gained by the society over a span of 54 years of high academic excellence. He encouraged the students at DPS to excel not only in the classroom but in sports, music, and other performing and creative arts. They should grow to be global citizens contributing to the progress of the country of their origin as well as that of the UAE. Emphasizing the importance of science subjects in the curriculum, he said that DPS aims at producing IT professionals and scientists who would contribute to the IT revolution in India and become part of shaping the country's destiny.

Mr. S. L. Dhawan, Treasurer, DPS, spoke at length on teacher student relationship and advised students to practice time-tested values and make learning a continuous process. He wanted parents to promote reading habits in their children by giving them books as presents on special occasions.

Mr. Dinesh Kothari, Pro Vice Chairman, DPS Sharjah said that the school registered tremendous growth during a short span of three years and would continue to forge ahead as the leading school in the Gulf. "We had to turn down admissions to 500 students owing to space constraints" said Mr. Kothari and added that more classrooms would soon be constructed to accommodate the increasing number of new admissions.

The principal Mrs. Abha Sahgal, presented the school Annual report giving a bird's eye view of the major activities of the year 2003 and the creditable achievements made by the students in the academic as well as co-curricular activities.

A science exhibition was also organized on the same day, which showcased working models of various scientific inventions. Models on display ranged from sound controlled car, stripped down motor, Telegraph receiver using Morse code, to amphibious car, which ran on both land and water. Students also explained in detail the functions of each model to the public and made it more educational.


The first World conference on children's Concern - LISTEN organized by Delhi Public School Society was held from Nov 22 to 24 in which around 4000 participants from gulf schools and from countries around the globe focused on educational issues central to the betterment of the children around the globe to help them become global citizens. Mr.Narendra Kumar Chairman of DPS Society pointed out that the conference took special attention to listening to the children's minds addressing the winds of educational change. DPS Sharjah was represented by Siddharth Jain and Karthik Ananth.


"It is neither the infrastructure nor the facilitators; neither the input nor the output; neither the process nor the product that goes into the making of quality education. It is the right combination all the above factors makes education real and meaningful for our children," commented Mr. Balasubramanyam, Director - Academic CBSE, Delhi addressing a gathering of DPS teachers on 11th Nov. at the school auditorium.

He advised teachers to be sensitive, open to the current of changes and never to compromise on their profession. He encouraged them to develop first hand experience of things that they teach so that  they could impart quality concepts in  to the learner. "Be proud of your profession", he said.

In a vibrant interactive session that followed teachers expressed their concern on various academic issues and sought his advice.


The DPS Utsav, an autumn carnival, was organized on the school premises on 9th Oct.2003 to raise funds for helping the less privileged of the society. It was a day of great fun, frolic and excitement for the students and parents who thronged the various stalls set up by students playing fun games and relishing lip-smacking dishes. Also on display were the diverse handicrafts made by students during class hours. The Utsav was an astounding success owing to the overwhelming response of the students and parents for a noble cause.


Mr. Khamis Mohammed, Branch Manager of Red Crescent Society, Sharjah, accepted the check for AED 3000/- from Mr. Ali Alkhhayal, owner of the school, during a special morning assembly held on 19th Oct, 2003. Mrs.Abha Sahgal, the Principal, expressed her hope that DPS community would be motivated to contribute more for the cause of charity in the coming years.


Students of the various Indian schools in the Emirates had a 'once in a life time' chance to meet and listen to Dr. Abdul Kalam, the President of India, during his recent visit to the UAE. Twenty students from our school accompanied by the Principal, and two supervisors attended the function hosted by Indian High School, Dubai 20th Oct. 2003. Students were amazed to see the President of India who is also one of the renowned scientists speak with such simplicity and modesty.

For the benefit of the rest of the students, the principal Mrs. Abha Sahgal, briefed the highlights of the President's message. Quoting the President, the principal said that students should grow to be beautiful individuals having a vision and a dream for their life. They should never curb their curiosity, which is an important ingredient for the flowering of creativity. 'Knowledge is within us and everyone is learners as well as teachers. There is always something new to be learnt everyday', exhorted the President.


H.E. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
President of India


We celebrated our 3rd Investiture ceremony in a solemn function. Students were bestowed their badge of honour and given their posts of responsibilities. Mr.Salahudin, Managing Director, Emirates Trading Agency, was the guest of honour for the function. The Head Boy, Arvind Thayat and Head Girl, Balika Krishnan, including four house captains and prefects and other office bearers were sworn in by Mr.Salahudin.